
Saturday, May 14, 2011

Tips for exams preparation

While many of us are going towards those miracle pills that are supposed to keep concentration high and make us remember more, we seem to forget the basics.

1. Sleep & Physical Activities.

Why do sports? Sports are the way to combat stress. Even while jogging you are thinking about your exams, I bet you will like what you seeing: people, vehicles, birds, trees. Or if you that kind that don’t like nature, you will still be relaxing while jogging with your MP3 player. If doctors keep saying that regular physical activities is good for heath, its not when the exams are near that you will quit your sport activities. Try it and tell me later.

Sleep is an important factor that affects both our mind and physical state. While some 7-8 hrs of sleep would be enough for an adult, teenagers and children might need more in order to be efficient. While most of us study at night, a good night of sleep enables the brain to compile the data assimilated during the whole day long. This could also explain why it is discouraged to spend the whole night studying because you are not assimilating that much. In the morning, the mind is fresh and is ready to receive information again. You don’t need to worry if the brain can assimilate so many things; its storage power is greater than a PC.

2. Food and Drinks

A good balance diet is important. Yes, it is! This is where the body gets the fuel in order to operate. You can’t expect to run a car without energy. Your body is the same. Give it proper nutrients and complements so that it is at 100% capacity. There are many foods that can increase your studying effectiveness: fish, soy, colourful and citrus fruits, berries, chocolate etc... (Refer to for specific details) For those that are in a hurry, you can still go for a glass of Complan in which you will get most of the vitamins necessary. However, bear in mind that Complan is a complementary drinks and is by no means a supplement. Complements are meant to be use with something else. Diesel is a complement for a van. Understand?

3. Plan

Do you expect to build a house without a plan? No, obviously. Planning is an important aspect for exam preparation. It is in that stage that you will be able to identify which areas you will need more time and those which you can afford to go quick upon. After having devised the plan, you just need to follow it.

4. Action

Start studying. Don’t just stick to planning stage. It is nice to have a timetable, but if you don’t follow it, it’s of no use. Don’t postpone what you can do today for tomorrow!

Your body is your asset, use it wisely.

Post by Uzumaki4U (All rights reserved)

1 comment:

  1. Hey dont listen to mp3 whilst jogging. One guy was hit by a train and died when doing that!!!
